Our Story
About Sponge Tree
Once upon a time there were two busy ladies, one an Art Teacher and the other a Nursery Nurse and Forest School Practitioner, who became full time mums. A shock to the system they found they where left seeking to enjoy some personal creativity and decided to make some beautiful things in the spare minutes around being, mum, wife and homemaker. They sold these beautiful creations at local craft markets and shops across the country. When they met they knew they would be life long friends. Paula the Nursery Nurse (right) has passion for all things natural, a calm Mother Nature, creative and kind. Nicola the Art Teacher (left) is chatty and giddy, a creative soul with a passion for people.
At the start of the year 2010, they shared their resolutions and aspirations for the coming year and realised they wanted many of the same things. They met one night every two weeks for 6 months and made a plan.
Sponge Tree was created! Sponge's take toxins from the ocean water to help the coral reef to grow (Paula's love of nature) and tree's take the toxins from the air to help us to grow (Nicola's love of people). The perfect name for a business, who's focus is looking after nature and looking after each other.
Their first event was a community insect celebration day at a local nature reserve, which was extremely successful. From there they went on to work with Children's Centres; focusing on multi sensory experiences that linked to colour and the natural world. They offer Saplings Parent and tots sessions and a Nature Kindergarten for children ages 3 -5 years .
Sponge Tree continued to support local events and festivals, providing high quality creative activities for families to share together. They decided to call this their Community Roots - focused on making memories and enjoying connecting with others through creative practices. They partner with the Saltaire Arts Trail, work with the Ilkley Art Trail and Ilkley Literature Festival and currently provide activities for events around Yorkshire.
They were recognised for their ability to create multi sensory activities and were asked to write training to support Activities Co-ordinators, in the Care industry. This was the beginning of the Branching Out - Training part of Sponge Tree. The Sensory Activities Co-ordinators course now runs in Bradford, Calderdale Council and Bury Council, who have run the training for the staff in their Care homes. They have delivered training as part of the Child Care Course at Shipley College; for early years practitioners and to support creative people moving towards selling their work
Nicola and Paula still have a passion for creative practise and still make when possible. They realise how valuable it is to have time for yourself, to take time and make beautiful things. The feeling is wonderful to make something from nothing and to have a creative object that shows your hard work; that others can see and value as your skill. They still run workshops and they give people a chance to learn and express their own personal creativity. Sponge Tree has been running since June 2010 and they love what they do. Please feel free to contact them and discuss your ideas, projects, training or plans... If they can help you be creative... They will : )
Sponge Tree believe it is important to have minimal impact on the earth's resources. They work with the rhythms of nature and promote interacting with the natural world. Where they can their materials are: taken responsibly from nature, recycled, saved from landfill or community raised.
They also promote community cohesion, through their workshops, projects and their interaction with other community organisations. As they know this develops a stronger community to be in.
Saltaire Arts Trail May 2011
Baildon Jubilee Project April 2012
Funding application July 2013
Saplings Outdoor Nature Playgroup Shipley August 2013
Ilkley Art Trail 2013